

Exercise Programs

Featured Programs

Keep Fit With Finlandia

A YouTube channel created by Joanne and Allison to allow gym members and any interested older adults to keep fit and stay active while at home.

This channel includes videos of exercise classes and health information.

Trail Trekkers

Offered to all older adults from the Greater Sudbury community

Trail Trekkers is an all season trail walking program that in addition to walking, includes fitness stops throughout the trek, a cool down, as well as balance and stretching exercises at the end.  To ensure the safety of the residents who live at Finlandia, this walking group must meet outside of the Fitness Centre prior to the walk and the cool-down/stretches will occur outside afterwards.

This group meets every Monday and Wednesday from 01:45 to 02:45 PM.

We Offer
The Following Exercise Programs


Tai Chi

Our Tai Chi class is Qi Gong and consists of 18 different moves. These moves are performed slowly and, for the most part, in the same position. The focus of this class is balance and range of motion.

Fitness Center

Friday 2:00 pm

Voima Hall (Residents only)

Friday 1:00pm


Falls Prevention

Falls Prevention is designed for those who are worried, or at risk of potentially falling. This class is offered 5 times a week, three times a week in the Fitness Centre, and twice a week in Voima Hall. This is a low intensity exercise class that revolves around strengthening the key muscles that help stabilize us. Everyone is welcome, as most of the exercises can be performed in a seated position!

Fitness Center

Mondays 2:00pm, Wednesdays at 10:00 am, Fridays 10:00 am

Voima Hall (Residents only)

Monday and Wednesday 1:00pm


Advanced Strength

Advanced Strength is a 30-minute full body workout.  Classes are held twice a week and are hosted by one of our fitness instructors.  This class uses a variety of equipment and exercises to help strengthen all the major muscle groups. All are welcome; however, we do suggest that those who participate are able to exercise for an extended period of time and are able to lower themselves onto the ground, and get back up independently.

Monday and Wednesday 11:00 am


Chair Yoga

The Chair Yoga class is a slow and gentle stretching class. All areas of the body are targeted to provide a full body stretch. Exercises are done in both sitting and standing but can be modified to suit the individual needs/abilities of participants.

Friday 9:00am


Strength and Balance

Strength and Balance focuses on increasing participants stability in both static and dynamic environments. The strength component of this program focuses more on the lower body as well as the core. All exercises in this class can be modified to participants individual abilities and/or needs.

Monday 9:00 am


Upper Body

Our Upper Body class is strengthening of the upper extremities (arms, shoulders, neck, back, core). The program is delivered mostly in a seated position. Hand weights, and resistance bands are used to target as many muscles in the upper body as possible. All exercises in this class can be modified to participants individual abilities and/or needs.

Wednesday 9:00 am



Finlandia Village has recently acquired a brand-new program that we have integrated into our Fitness Centre. The Motiview system is a digital program that allows you to travel around the world, while using one of our cardio machines. The Motiview system has a collection of various trails and world-famous landmarks, that you can explore while exercising, right here at Finlandia!


Core Masters

Core Masters

Core Masters is a full body workout done entirely in standing to help promote good posture and build the connection between your core muscles and your brain. The focus is on engaging your transversus abdominus muscle while strengthening your upper body and your legs.

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