Walk with SISU to share and show you care!
Join students from Lasalle Secondary School and walk with SISU to raise funds for a new home for seniors.
Saturday September 21, 2024
Walk a 6.7 km route from Lasalle Secondary School
Walk a senior friendly Finlandia Fitness Trail
Click here to register and begin fundraising online with automated tax receipts provided to your donors: https://sisufoundation.myetap.org/fundraiser/SISUFamilyWalk2024/
If you prefer, visit the Hoivakoti Reception Office Monday – Friday 8 am – 4 pm to register in person and receive a pledge form to raise funds from your family and friends. All funds collected must be returned to Finlandia Village by Wednesday, September 18, 2024. Taxation receipt will be generated and mailed to donors for donations received over $20.00.
You can make a personal donation to show your commitment by visiting Hoivakoti Reception Office Monday – Friday 8 am – 4 pm.
Lasalle Secondary School 6.7 km walking route CLICK HERE
Meet at Lasalle Secondary School at 10:15 am for the opening ceremony
Take a shuttle to Lasalle Secondary School and walk back to Finlandia – Departs Finlandia Village at 10 am
FINLANDIA FITNESS TRAIL TREKKERS – meet outside LEPOKOTI Block F at 11:15 am for a warm up and walk onsite
Be sure to join us outdoors to cheer on the arriving walkers, led on site to the finish line arriving at VOIMA HALL by the Greater Sudbury Police Pipe Band
KIITOS and THANK YOU on behalf of the many seniors who call Finlandia Village their home.